
We are Bonza

Bonza Co. Hanna och Sara
Bonza Co. designer
Bonza Co. tshirt design.
Bonza Co. shirt
Bonza Co. branding and design
Bonza Co. photo shoot

Run by people who…

are down-to-earth and easy-going, who place a high value on building strong relationships. Our passion lies in discovering creative solutions through effective design and communication to make your business stand out.

Home of the brave

Anchored in the north of Scandinavia at Boden Business Park – Bonza Co. was established in 2019. But we’re not the new kids on the block, in fact we’ve been working with brands and businesses to solve problems and bring ideas to life for over 15 years, and have clients across the globe.

So what exactly do we do?

We create websites, marketing campaigns, build brands, create concepts – all those things which makes your company shine, stand out and reach the right target audience. At Bonza Co. we craft designs that push boundaries and leave a lasting impression.

No sales people!
Talk directly to experienced designers

Hanna Lidfors

Senior AD & Graphic Designer

Bachelor’s degree in International Marketing/ Mälardalen University, Västerås Sweden. With marketing studies in Spain and Estonia. Hanna has been working as an Art Director and Project Manager in Sweden for 10 years. Specializing in brand design, business marketing communication, digital and print.

Phone & Whatsapp: +46 70 684 66 43

E-mail & Slack: hanna@bonza.se

Sara Björnfot

Senior UI/UX & Graphic Designer

Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design / Curtin University, Perth Western Australia. After graduating Sara spent over 10 years in Australia working as a Designer and Project Manager at different design studios focusing on web, UI/UX, app design, eCommerce, branding and print.

Phone & Whatsapp: +46 70 626 78 85

E-mail & Slack: sara@bonza.se

How we roll

Things don’t have to be so complicated. We like to keep it simple without any fuss. We’re straight and transparent with our clients and partners. Here are some of our do’s and dont’s.


What we do

  • Value relationships
  • Create kickass work
  • Obsess over details
  • Exceed expectations
  • Stay humble
  • Stay curious

What we don't

  • Have a sales team
  • Sacrifice quality for profit
  • Put up with nonsense
  • Waste your time
  • Resist a party
  • Work for free

How we roll

Things don’t have to be so complicated. We like to keep it simple without any fuss. We’re straight and transparent with our clients and partners. Here are some of our do’s and dont’s.

  • icon-thumbs-up
  • Value relationships
  • Create kickass work
  • Obsess over details
  • Exceed expectations
  • Stay humble
  • Stay curious
  • icon-thumbs-down
  • Have a sales team
  • Sacrifice quality for profit
  • Put up with nonsense
  • Waste your time
  • Resist a party
  • Work for free

We have news